Lessons Learned From School Shootings | SpringerLink Click the link above to purchase Steve Polands, [psi] Expert Partner, and Sara Fergusons newly published book on America’s perspective on school shootings.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has just released new COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Schools. Keep reading for more info or click here to view the original report. The AAP strongly advocates that all policy considerations for school plans should start with the goal of keeping students safe and physically present in school. Purpose and Key […]
Written by Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and psi Medical Director Wallet, keys, phone… mask: We check our pockets before leaving the house or the car. Pretty soon, if Americans continue to take advantage of the readily available COVID-19 vaccines, we may be able to drop that last item off the list. Airplane travel, celebrations with large […]
Written by Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Congratulations, School Leaders. You survived 2020-21 – a school year unlike any other, featuring the continuation of a public health pandemic, the most hyper-charged political atmosphere in memory and social justice issues that roiled the nation. Your reward: Start getting ready for 2021-22. But unlike, say, January 2020, when […]
Written by Christine Worthington, Virtualpsi Coordinator and Field Supervisor Technology…let’s ponder that word for a minute…technology. To some, this word is exciting and stirs feelings of future growth and promise. To others, this concept can be frightening and intimidating. Currently, in our field, technology is often considered synonymous with teletherapy. However, I have come to […]
Click above to hear Mike Tornow and Brooke Khamis discuss psi services, LifeAct, Raising the Bar of Education and more on The Summit FM!
Written by Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and psi Medical Director. As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, many schools and workplaces shifted to an online platform. This necessarily increased the amount of time we all spent using electronic devices to communicate, learn, and connect. While the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended fewer than two hours per […]
Written by Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and psi Medical Director. Diabetes in school-aged children is not an uncommon finding. It is estimated that over 200,000 Americans under the age of 20 carry this diagnosis. In healthy individuals, the pancreas automatically produces insulin in response to the ingestion of carbohydrates (also known as sugars) in […]
psi’s S.A.F.E. Schools is an evidence-informed series of resilience-building programs aimed at grades K-5 (S.A.F.E Buddies), 6-8 (S.A.F.E. Skills), and 9-12 (S.A.F.E. Success). Recognizing that student social, emotional, behavioral, and academic success requires a strong support system, S.A.F.E. Schools also includes the S.A.F.E. Educators (focused on school staff) and S.A.F.E. Communities (focused on parents/caregivers) programs […]
COVID-19 procedures include strict adherence to cleaning and disinfecting our schools, classrooms and staff areas. psi would like to make you aware of an environmentally friendly and cost-effective option for your disinfecting and sanitizing needs. It features a three-pronged approach called The Power of Three. It is a trademarked, disinfecting concept created by the DriveMind […]
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